on-going results中文什么意思

发音:   用"on-going results"造句
  • going:    adj. 1.进行中的;运转中的;营 ...
  • result:    n. 1.结果,效果,效验,成效;成 ...
  • results:    调查结果; 结果
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  1. Analysis is given to the on - going result - oriented evaluation of training effectiveness , and preference is given to the principles of all - roundness and future - orientedness , and warning is given to organizations " non - relevant evaluation of economic value of training and preference of interest returns rather than wholesale quality . the other issue is the objective obstacles for improving training effectiveness . much research of literature on the key system factors leads to the conclusion that the training interest conflicts are the objective obstacles , and followed is detailed analysis of the organizations " complex training interest , especially in the views of organizational theories


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  7. on-going support 什么意思
  8. on-going work programme of the united 什么意思
  9. on-goings 什么意思
  10. on-grade 什么意思


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